We Talk Careers

Brought to you by Women In ETFs. Kristine Delano talks to executives in the height of their careers. We’ll find out about the lessons they have learned and how they spot talent in their organizations. Whether you work in high finance or are curious about the hustle it takes to succeed on Wall Street, this podcast is for you.

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Tuesday Apr 12, 2022

One of the best things that can happen on the job is when someone sees your potential. They take notice of the work you are doing and challenge you to do more. Be more. They offer to sit with you and untangle the mixed-up messages you are getting from your colleagues and others. They are a mentor. What makes them great?
In this episode of We Talk Careers, we are talking to Michelle Mikos. She is the Managing Director of ETF Due Diligence at Invesco, where she has been for the last 16 years. She has a bachelor’s from Notre Dame and recently completed her MBA at Oxford. She lives in Chicago and has traveled to all seven continents.
Kristine Delano and Michelle challenge you to get a mentor and be a mentor. What steps can you take to find and retain a great mentor? Prepare to be inspired and a big shout out to Bobby Brooks for his prominent role in Michelle’s story.
Follow on Instagram kristine.delano.writer to join the conversation.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry.
Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a free worksheet to Woman-Up and Be a Great Mentor. Also check out Michelle’s book recommendations: The Road Less Traveled by M Scott Peck, Feeling Good by David D. Burns, and Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2022

Most of us have had moments or even seasons where our success feels illegitimate, or we feel inadequate to our own efforts.  We are told to feel confident and project success. Why does it sometimes feel like a house of cards?
In this episode, we are talking to Kathleen Moriarty - a senior counsel in the law firm of Chapman and Cutler, specializing in exchange-traded products and FinTech. She is regularly quoted in the media about issues from financial indexes to ETFs to crypto. The fact that Kathleen, a member of the New York city bar Association's investment management regulation committee and the NASDAQ quality of markets committee, can suffer from Impostor Syndrome should make us all take a deep breath. Kristine Delano unpacks how Kathleen tackles Impostor Syndrome head on.
Follow on Instagram kristine.delano.writer for behind the microphone photos and inspiration.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry.
Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a free worksheet to Tackle Impostor Syndrome to the Ground. Also check out Kathleen’s book recommendations: Momo by Michael Ende and Her Again by Meryl Streep.  

Tuesday Mar 29, 2022

Do you pride yourself on being productive? Have you found the line between toxic and healthy?
In this episode, we are talking to Kara Pagliuca. We all strive to be productive and keep on task, but what happens when we can’t leave the work behind? What are the impacts on us and our relationships when we verge over into the unhealthy region of productivity? Kara shares with Kristine how she uses planning, routines, and other skills to keep both productive and healthy. Kara is a Senior National Account Manager at State Street.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry.
Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a free worksheet on the 5 Indicators of Toxic Productivity and 8 Ways to Combat. Also check out Kara’s book recommendation Option B by Cheryl Sandberg.

Tuesday Mar 22, 2022

Is stress beating you down? How are successful women finding creative ways to turn down the crazy-meter and find peace in their careers and in their lives?
In this episode, we are talking to Linda Zhang. Stress is a natural neurological and biological function that can spur us into action and even save our lives. But what happens when stress stays at a critical level for too long? We burn out. Linda shares with us her unique and accessible ways of dealing with stress. Linda is the founder of Purview Investments, an ETF sub-advisory firm focused on climate and sustainable investing.
The conversation between Linda and Kristine will help us take a deep breath and recognize the importance of mindfulness and mind resets.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry.
Go to www.kristinedelano.com for 7 Simple Steps for Managing Stress in your Career and also check out Linda’s book recommendation The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Yu.

Tuesday Mar 15, 2022

Have you been dreaming of another opportunity? Is a new job on your horizon?
In this episode, we are talking to Jill Mavro about career transitions. For anyone looking to not only survive their career, but thrive, this is a topic of great significance. Jill Mavro was an Executive at State Street for over 20 years. She is now an Advisor for Cap W Global, a boutique investment bank founded by women and serves women and entrepreneurs of color.
The conversation between Jill and Kristine will help us deconstruct a healthy career transition and learn how to execute it.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry. Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a one-page checklist on preparing for a Career Transition and also check out Jill’s book recommendation Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey.

Tuesday Mar 08, 2022

Do you have a personal brand? Do you know what it is?
In this episode, we are talking to Sue Thompson about your personal brand, something we all have, but sometimes don't spend enough time cultivating.
Your brand represents your skills, but also how you're perceived. Sue Thompson is an executive vice president at state street, global advisors and Heads SPDR America's Distribution. The conversation between Kristine and Sue feels like it is over much too quickly with great insights and steps to nurture your own brand.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry. Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a one-page summary on cultivating Your Personal Brand and also check out Sue’s book recommendation Choke by Sian Beilock.

Tuesday Mar 01, 2022

What is a great team? How do you move from individual contributor to team lead? The skills are different and can be hard to learn from book. Janel Jackson takes us on her journey.
Janel is the Head of US ETF Capital Markets at Vanguard.  She shares her insights on clearly communicating a vision, inspiring others, and delegating decision making.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry. Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a one-page summary defining teams and the questions you should ask yourself before leading. Also check out Janel’s book recommendation Assembly by Natasha Brown.

Managing 360 with Joanne Hill

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022

Tuesday Feb 22, 2022

How do you manage all the people around you? Down, up, and sideways, we are expected to communicate and facilitate a lot of relationships. In this episode of We Talk Careers, Joanne Hill helps us navigate our work relationships. She dives into the art of managing 360, from and to all the constituents in our careers.
Joanne has over three decades of experience helping investors. She currently leads research and investment strategy at CBOE Vest. Find out why you need a career elevator pitch ready every day.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry.
Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a one-page checklist on Managing 360 with a formula for your Career Elevator Pitch.  
Check out Joanne’s recommendations Code Girls by Liza Mundy and My Beloved World by Sonya Sotomayor and see behind the microphone ideas on Instagram.

Tuesday Feb 15, 2022

Is Work Life Balance even possible? Is it really Work Life Integration? In this episode of We Talk Careers, we talk to Jillian DelSignore. She lets us in - to her life and her work -  and discusses how she handles it all.  Jillian is a Managing Director and Head of ETFs and Indexing at FLX. She is a wife and mom to their baby son, Elliot.
Jillian talks about not only surviving but thriving in all areas of her life. She shares how she and her husband had to reprioritize and support each other to make it all work. It is amazing all that she gets done from a fifteen hundred square foot condo in Chicago.  Learn about her method of setting boundaries while fully showing up for everyone.
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry. Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a one-page evaluation tool for your own Work Life Balance and check out Jillian’s book recommendation What I Know For Sure by Oprah Winfrey.
See behind the scene photos of Jillian and her family on Instagram.

Leadership with Sharon French

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022

Tuesday Feb 08, 2022

In this debut episode of We Talk Careers, we tackle Leadership. Sharon French shares her tremendous insight and experience. Sharon is a senior partner at The TIFIN Group and was previously president and CEO of life and retirement funds for AIG as well as president of F Squared Capital.
Leadership is about people. Sharon talks about authenticity, her Know the Way, Show the Way, Go the Way method of leadership, and discusses a very difficult time in her career that refined her style of leadership. So much brilliant advice packed into a half hour.  
Visit www.womeninetfs.com to find additional support in the ETF industry. Go to www.kristinedelano.com for a one-page summary on Leadership and also check out Sharon’s book recommendation Engineer’s Wife by Tracey Enerson Wood.
Get more info on LinkedIn and see behind the micropohone photos on Instagram.


Let it be transformational to your career

Learn more about the opportunities to connect with others in the ETF industry at www.womeninetfs.com.  We encourage you to absorb the careers insights from our guests.  At www.kristinedelano.com you can access an information sheet for each of our first twleve episodes. Our free gift to you.

Thank you for listening. 

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